Creating 'Eden'

Creating 'Eden'

Living in England the beauty of unfurling life in March is a striking thing. Warm breezes carrying with it sweet scents of new life. With each image I want to share my love of life, spring, and nature with you.

As I was on a walk with P a few days ago, we passed a patch of wild flowers that I'd created in last year. How a year has past since then is beyond me! So much has happened, so much to catch up on... so, here's me making a small start…

Creating 'The Kiss'

Creating 'The Kiss'

As a new romantic love blossomed in my own personal life, I found myself growing as a person, as a girlfriend, as a business partner, as a best friend, and as of this year, a fiancee. 

Up until now all my pictures featured a solo feminine character blossoming into her own, from a lace clad sleeping young woman to a warrior queen. The growth of the characters mirroring my internal evolution into womanhood. 

It was time to add another dynamic...

Tolkien in the woods

Tolkien in the woods

Click through to watch the BTS video!

When Ian reached to me with the concept of shooting a Tolkien inspired set for Faerie Magazine's upcoming Tolkien issue to say I was excited would be an understatement.

Living in Oxford, England, the same city that inspired Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, I've always felt an affinity with the world around me. Walking in the woods, under tall trees and winding branches that inspired the Ents, and the rolling landscape of green grass with little thatched roof cottages reminding me of the hobbit's Shire. A world of magic created in the world I walk in. This connection is something I wanted to bring to life for this series...

Beauty in Bloom

Beauty in Bloom

Click through to watch the Beauty in Bloom Project video

Through the span of my career, I’ve focused on creating imagery fuelled by my fairytale inspirations. I photograph subjects framed around nature to create a world that only exists in fantasy. I love using nature as my studio and celebrating its true beauty.

A few years ago, I began suffering with eczema on my face and body and it took a serious toll on my mental and physical health as it progressed and escalated. I found myself compromising my love of photography because of my own insecurities of showing my face to the world. I wasn’t inspired to create as my energy was wrapped up in battling these health issues. My whole world began to change.

Behind the scenes at my Melbourne Workshop!

Behind the scenes at my Melbourne Workshop!

Click through to watch some workshop behind the scenes!

On a cold spring day I held my first ever Australian workshop in beautiful Melbourne. I couldn't help but be reminded of the first workshop I hosted back in 2015. Although that was held in the UK, it too was in early springtime. What can I say, it's my favourite time of year to create and to be able to share that passion with others gives me great joy!

This workshop had been months in the works. It was my first time to Australia and I soon realised that pulling together and holding a workshop turned out to be a wonderful way to meet and connect with local creatives! 

Magic in the spring time...

Magic in the spring time...

Earlier that week I'd come across a location while on a drive. A small patch of woodland with moss covered ground caught my eye and I could immediately envision an enchanted scene within it. I decided to attach the flowers to a dress I'd sourced from eBay and create a character that to me symbolised the coming of spring, my favourite season....

Daughter of Spring...

Daughter of Spring...

I think it's a beautiful thing when creatives collaborate. I always feel that the work produced feels richer for the talented poured into it.

At the end of Autumn I was talking with the lovely Agnieszka from Agnieszka Osipa costumes as well as model, Maria Amanda. I was coming back to the UK after a few months of travelling in the US and was looking forward to channelling some creative energy into personal work...

Bella Kotak + transFORM Gallery NYC - Opening Night

Bella Kotak + transFORM Gallery NYC - Opening Night

It was the cold wind that hit me first as I walk out of JFK airport. An 8 hour flight flew by with 4 movies and a bag of popcorn. It wasn't my first time to the city, I'd been here a few months ago and the cold chill was a familiar one...